Resources of helpful knowledge for your personal growth:
Deep Green Resistance
Derrick Jensen, Lierre Keith, and Aric McBay
The book that inspired this organization, this is crucial reading for anyone who has accepted that civilization is destroying the planet, but hasn't known how to respond. Deep Green Resistance is a plan of action for anyone determined to fight for this planet – and win.
Counselor/author about Complex PTSD:
Excellent resource on how to deal with CPTSD - due to from dysfunctional families growing up: Pete Walker, M.A. Psychotherapy
Sherry MacBeth a multi-talented spiritual counselor - she emits a warm, empathic tarot/Reiki/Feng Shui/Astrologer services that I recommend seeing if you need a new person to guide you. I just bought an impressively detailed (with graphics) Feng Shui report for someone. I appreciate Sherry's honesty, down-to-earth approach without that New Agey woo-woo vocabulary. She's located in England.
Deaf Spiritual Network
This website offers a Deaf community network of various spiritual paths a safe, nurturing and supportive environment to express our spiritual interests. To be spiritual is to recognize unity among us and that Truth is One, although its names are many. This is a community where you are free to be who you are and connect with others of similar spiritual and/or metaphysical interests.
There is also a very active Deaf Spiritual Network Facebook group. Contact Kristi Merriweather ([email protected]) or Stacy Moskus ([email protected]) to be invited into this group.
Greetings From Orion
I've personally consulted with Ron Orion Scarbrough who is a professional and accurate clairvoyant and medium.
He was able to pick out private facts that was very accurate, important information that gets right to the heart of the matter. Highly recommended.
Ron is willing to type with Deaf clients via Skype - you will need to voice a few sentences so that it will help him get started and then you and he can type back and forth.
Tell Ron that I referred you.
Update: As of Sept 24, 2017 - I regret to inform everyone that beloved Ron Orion crossed over early this year. We miss you, Ron, and thank you for all you have shared in helping everyone.
Another great tarot reader, who accommodated me via typing on my iPad - David MacKenzie, who was born from Scotland… gave an impressive tarot reading. He's very thorough & picked up things that I didn't expect and was very accurate in describing people/situations from the past which colored my present life and things I need to do for the future.
His tarot artfully decorated Victorian parlor is enchanting in Longmont, CO.
Please tell David that I referred you.
I highly endorse these Indoor Sunshine Lightbulbs -- it has many health benefits - combats S.A.D. and A.D.D. & improves the brain and health - to read more go to:
Tell Linaya Hahn that RaVen Sequoia & use 10% discount coupon code: ASL 10
Let me know how they worked for you. :) Love and LIGHT!
Here are encouraging affirmations to help you work through emotional/physical/spiritual barriers.
I use these myself and were impressed of its accuracy, enjoy!
Great tips for wide array of self-help tools:
Raw meat/organ/bones for cats and dogs - best frozen meat mail service I've used. My dog does wonderful on this diet. No longer throws up due to nutritional deficiency from poorly made kibbles.
Click HERE.
Wayne Becker is an amazing researcher with amazing compilation of inspirational and wise quotes to further our growth. In his own words from his About webpage: Word Gems constitutes a kind of life-notebook, a collection of my best gold-nugget findings. There is enormous benefit, as George Spenser Brown used the phrase, "simply bearing in mind," just keeping close to, the stellar insights of history's great thinkers; subconsciously, these seeds of wisdom, in a cross-fertilization of ideas, influence and lead us, eventually germinating as new and increased vision.
If you're located in Ohio and prefer a male shaman to help with your healing journey, go to:
An authentic relocational astrologer - the best ever:
Alternative Sex Therapist for Men and Women:
An amazing, practical new and advanced and complete teaching on sex for men.
Alexey is an AMAZING sex therapist to teach men and women how to improve their skills dramatically. His videos (has English subtitles) is straightforward, highly intelligent with debunking real-world common myths. He is one of the rare pro-feminist, a real alley for women.
Sasha Cobra - Tantric Healing Body Worker
This life altering body oriented work, coupled with practical wisdom, offers solutions to some of life’s greatest struggles, and reminds us that being human is an orgasmic, loving, joyous, compassionate experience to be had and shared with ourselves and the world. Sasha works with sexuality issues; relating; healing traumas/mental disorders, spirituality; and healthy lifestyles.
I believe she only works with adult men - helps men to learn how to have entire body orgasms which shatters the illusions of addictive or numbing sexual habits that drains men. She tours all over the world, so you'd need to check her schedule.
AN AMAZING HORSE TRAINERS that uses alternative methods to gently heal traumatized horses, wild horses & even how to convert manure into rich soil with earth worms, permaculture, and much more, worth reading & watching their lovely videos: Listen To Your Horse is about entering into a fully sentient relationship with your horse(s). We are Jini Patel Thompson and Kesia Mei Nagata.
Between us we have 16 horses: from Andalusian to Belgian to Arabian to wild Mustang.
We say to all our horses: WHO do you want to be in this world?
Let’s journey together to your most magnificent self.
Together, let us open to the expansiveness of possibility. Click here.
Mr James T. Keck is a skilled somatic coach & cuddlist which tremendously helped me to deal with CPSTD with avoidant coping habits that was blocking my life for 16 years after a crisis occurred and prevented me from living fully and freely. He also taught me about IFS - Internal Family System (based from Richard C. Schwartz PhD) which is a profound & amazing alternative work to respect ALL of my inner selves which we all have & taught me to start FEELING & respecting their needs. After 7 sessions, he was able to help identify my most oppressed inner teenager's needs which catapulted me into deep healing & still being healed as I peel the emotional layers of my psyche. This is not easy work, but worth it in order to become a whole human being. He offers free 15 minutes phone consultations to see if he's suitable to work with your needs.
James Keck
Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota
He/Him: James is a Certified professional Reiki practitioner, a Certified Cuddlist, Somatic Sex Educator, Certified Sexological Bodyworker, intimacy coach, yoga teacher. His training also includes surrogate partner therapy within the expanded triadic model. He is trauma-informed. He teaches embodied practices to expand sexual capacity and pleasure through the pillars of erotic embodiment of breath, movement, sound, intention and safe touch. Your intention might be to overcome challenges or problems or to enhance and improve upon where you are now.
He has seen the benefits of this work in his own life and now he walks that path with others as they learn, grow and apply it to their lives.
The benefits often transcend sexuality and positively impact and influence other areas of life as well. He purposes to meet you wherever you are on your journey and to coach you along the pathway toward your desired destination.
James is currently home based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is willing to travel throughout the US for intensive work. All are welcome! He is plus-size body friendly.
He also uses Zoom, Google Meet or Facebook Messenger to work with distance clients. For more information, visit his website, email him at [email protected], or text/telephone him at (619) 333-0314.
Institute of Somatic Sexology, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2018, Deej, Uma and Joseph
Betty Martin Like A Pro, LA, January 2017
Intimacy Educator, Caffyn Jesse, March 2017
CSSE, ISS (LA), 2019, Deej and Uma
Down-Grid Online Store - should SHTF ever occurs - great resource for doomsday preppers:
Great List of Various Prepper Websites - you choose what fits your philosophy the best: